Continue from The messed up educational system: part one. click here to read it before you continue.
Since when was doing what we can, meant that we want it? Well, since you are in the educational system I am in. Teacher will be like: 'So Shian, you score great in this bla bla subject, you should go do this/ of become this! Because you can!' Me: 'Errrrr, so I should score bad at it to show that I do not like it? I thought scoring good result was one of my responsibility in school.' Well, being good at it does not necessary means I liked it! hahahahahhaha. Too long had our society had judge one's passion and happiness, based on how many number one you had. By how many A's you had, seems to determine how much you enjoy something. Since how long the words - This is an opportunity of a lifetime, you should be thankful you had this while others don't, tricked us into entering some sort of competition, or activities, or events, that we did not even enjoy, that we did not even happy about? And then I did well, I won titles. How I hope I do myself proud more than I just do the school proud. Proud that I have made the decision that I am happy about, proud that I truly enjoy this experience, rather than being forced to it. Knowing for titles and medals a student won, are mostly merit points for the school, something they can boast around during formal ceremonies which mostly involved personnel from other schools. The Saya Lebih Hebat (I am more superior) attitude. So what happened to that student, if he was put into that situation unwillingly? A parade of glory that was not meant to be, an effort which was not willingly put forth? Guess the school got what they want, in the expense of what the student wants.
But heyyy, what about that student that really wan't that, but could not do enough to get through? So his/her road stopped there? He/she do not deserve to be trained and be cultivate? Just because he/she did not do good in the 'screening' process. How much talent, how much geniuses, gone. When the school only focused on the elite few who scored well in examination, while dissing out those that - could and willing to be.
I finished my secondary school completing the final examination with satisfactory result. One result I am happy but in a way surprised with- in a good way. And now, before me, lied many crossroad which I believe I could only choose one. Then the education ministry came to my doorstep, intended to show me the option I had, how every road I chose would end up in the next 5 years, providing me assistant when I am in need, setting up long term volunteering/training program so that I could discover my interest, conducting characteristic analysis on me, to help me realize that one road which was suitable, and right for me. Nahhhhhh! I WISHED THAT HAD HAPPENED! But no, the truth was that I was left bare, alone, by myself, a 17 year old teen, to determine my future at that point of time. While the ministry was arguing about whether to teach science and maths in English or in Malay. I was left pondering how I suppose to choose. The ministry than will argue that, Why not seek the councillor? I ask you, anyone of you people know the role of a councillor other than consulting you when your lover breaking up with you, when you have some undisclosed family problems or when you are bullied and you do not know what to do. I was never aware that he/she would also provide my career advice (do they?). I that time, choose the road which I thought was the safest, definitely not the one I wanted the most. What would you do, when I was thought throughout my education, to play the road that would make your result worth it all. Plus, in Malaysia, it seems that freedom to chose what to study, come with a very hefty price tag. A cool 28K for a performing arts at one notable private college. Not to mention the peer pressure (which need to be address with up most seriousness), much influence me at that time. Thus with the 'cards' (no money, not literate in art courses, appropriate scientific results, most of my friends who scored good seem to go to the same place) at hands, I was, forcefully, to enroll into what I called, the most ridiculously-unfair educational level in Malaysia. The public Pre-U level.
In Malaysia, there is two most conventional way you could enter governmental-link public university, Form Six and Matriculation. Two system with totally different syllabus and assessment system. One still using the same old how many A's you got, while the other was a much more university-like, credit hour system. One require two years of your time to complete (considering the time you waited for your result, applying for it and studying it), while the other require only a mere one year. Have anyone questioned why that we need two system which are so much in difference, to enter the same tertiary level? I know why. But let just leave it at that.
Form six for me, was rather a very difficult time. I slept most of the time in class, I talk loudly even when the teacher was teaching (I got chased out by that teacher after that incident), I was not concentrating about what the teacher was teaching and I do not care less how my result was. I was not happy being there. Believe me when I say that, being happy does go a long way! Thankfully there were still some fun part, I met a crazy bunch of friends which I share most of my laughter with, and done so many crazy things with. Perhaps you can say having that fun was the reason why I kept going to school. My result was so bad that I once failed all my subjects. The worst part was, I do not even care! But thankfully there was this one special person, who manage to pushed me, encouraged and motivated me to push for my result. And luckily after working hard a few months before the final exam, I came through. I succeeded obtaining a result I would only dreamed of during the start of my Form Six. Thus enabling me to apply into the official tertiary education in Malaysia- Public University.
Difficult- would be an understatement to describe the application process to get into the coveted public university. I was given eight slot to choose which course I would like to take, EIGHT! Plus an option asking if you failed to get any within the eight choices, would you like to accept any other unknown course? These scared me. I do wan't to question the one that decides who to take up which course really understand who we are and what we are suitable in studying. Arts? Business? Engineering? Science? Do they pull up every what-do-you-wan't-to-be-in-the-future survey that we did last time? Do they, after so many years of experience in placing students in different courses to different university, studied the pattern of students courses application throughout the time, to know which course that the applicant would preferred, after analyzing the eight choices that the applicant made? I believe there should be tons of data to make out a pattern when it was almost 60 years since Malaysia oldest universiti- Universiti Malaya- was established. Let us ask. What effort was really put in to help the student be place in course that was suitable and preferred by that students? I beg the ministry to answer.
Back to that application, now I have eight blank bar lie in front of me, calling me to choose between hundreds of courses offered in almost 20 public universities in Malaysia. I trembled. I do not know how should I choose. My heart telling me to go for what I liked- arts and business, while my rationale told me to go for what I had been studying- science. I was just not informed and skilled enough to make that choice. Ultimately, I thought it was brilliant when I lay down eight choices with a balance between what my heart and my rationale wanted. Then I was foolishly let down. Because after I had applied, I found out that science stream students are not allowed to cross over to arts and business stream. Is sad to see when all my arts and business choices were deemed void. The sad truth that the first choice that I made, the most preferred choice, had been void because of my previous educational stream. Perhaps it was never your preferred choice, but the choice they think you should be taking, taking in the consideration of your results and wherever there is an availability for you. And with that, I was downstream to my sixth choice. A scientific course, which was not my preferred one. Perhaps I should be glad that I still be able to get the course within my eight choice. ....Maybe not. Not when I was required, or should I said- forced- to put EIGHT choice, or when I was unwillingly placed at a science stream at secondary school, or when any other situation during my school days that led me to this.
It may not be my preferred course, but at least I was placed in Sabah, the east of Malaysia. A place where later I found myself to be in love with. My university days, was the four years I treasured the most. Is a place where I finally able to study like an adult. There was no body there to tell me that I had to finished up my homework or teach me how to solve a certain question. It was all up to me to plan my work and work out a solution to all the question I encountered. It was a place so teeming with personality that I can interact with. It was too filled with interesting activities and programs I can get involve in. Just the sheer number of students in the whole university, could give you the picture of how much opportunity it possess. There was no more competing among each other for being the number one in class. No more questionnaire asking what you will be in the future, because that was determined not by you anymore, but by the course you took.
University was a totally new and exciting environment! Remembering up above when I mention the differences between the two Pre-U system? The form Six and the Marticulation? You can clearly see who went to which, when the matirculation graduate students was a year younger than you! Fascinating, right! And even fascinating when most, I say most, of them are made up of one race. Do not get me wrong, I have no intend to bring up an issue the public had get so used to. I just firmly believe that all Pre-U students should be put in a leveled playing field where places in university was given based on merits. That would give the same level of competitiveness in university when everyone studies the same syllabus and was assess with the same system. That would benefit both the students and also the society as a whole. One thing that surprised me, that never change, was the culture of result-is-king. Results still determined which category you will be in and how much competition you can get involved in. But much much less restricted than previously. Because you have the freedom to not care about it, and do what you really wanted, as long as you maintain your cumulative point above 2.00. Fantastic!
The workings of a school was always intriguing. Because they always try to do the ultimate balance between giving out good research paper and producing good graduates. Both so different yet so similar that sometimes even the most experienced lecturers do not know what actually are they doing on this. I believe that each public university in Malaysia should give themselves an identity, whether you are focused in producing good graduate, or to produce better research papers. In focusing in producing good research papers, a university should have state-of-the-art research lab and facilities, top notch research supervisors, while attracting mostly postgraduate and undergraduate that was interested in doing research. On the other hand, if your focus was to produce good graduate, or another words, to produce good human resources for the society. The university need to focus on effective and updated coursework or syllabus, adding vocational training, providing the best industrial exposure, favours practicality over theory but not forsaken theory at all and of cause having the right person and lecturer to do them all. I rather be someone who is the very best in one part, rather than be half-half of everything person. So, university, please decide. Do not afraid to pioneer something with a certain degree of risk, rather than staying safe like others do. Moreover, It was better for us student when we know what are we getting into. Besides all that, I am sorry to say that the computerized system that my university run by, was at least, bad. It was slow, inaccurate and indecisive, which amount to a whole lot of troublesome for me in my four years there. Most prominently was the course registration that we need to do before every semester starts. Glitches and non-existence of prospectors-set-courses go hand in hand with our registration. Things never seem to be right the first time. Guess that was the mindset of all workings in most public university: if it is not right, we can always correct it. Never knowing that correcting it would took up more time and resources to do. I rather we take that resources, time and effort to make sure that things will be right, at every first time.
The services a public university provided to its customer (us students) was a lot of times, below satisfaction. The system, the staffs, the departments and other entities designed to help students was never customer-friendly. They were more university-friendly. It was a joke when I need to run from building to building, people to people to get one thing done. It was near impossible to get the right person, at the right place, in the right time, to get your matter, settled. One person rely on another person, one person blaming the other, while people at the back just kept silent enjoying the whole show. Things that could be done in mere few minutes, took a few days, where you need to come to and fro a few times. The whole thing was just not efficient enough. We do have our studies to worry about rather than worry about the things that that person responsible, should do. Let say, I needed approval to get funds to run a program. I need to type a letter, go be certified by my supervisor, then another letter to be certified by my dean, then only another letter to be hand to the student affairs department, then to wait from one to three weeks before I could get my answer. Is like I am doing the work I need not to do, or things where those entities need to do. I believe an integrated intra-university communication system (like e-mails and memo) would much cut short all the time needed for me to do that. But no, the university still require you to do how people from way back when there was no computer, did. All entities in public university was there for one and one purpose only, to serve and satisfy the students. Not the other way round. Is when the students are served well, then only we could whole heartily serve the university, by anyway possible.
The public university in Malaysia, was by far the most rank-craze bunch of university I saw. They do not only try to pit themselves with university around the world, but even within the county. I remember in the past, one of our university was place in the top 100 in the world. That had since long gone, I doubt any of our university was even within top 150. What make it even funnier was when that happened, our own higher education minister stated that we need not care about the rankings, that the ranking commission was using the analysis that was not suitable for our university. I almost broke my stomach hearing this. They pounce on every glory when they were ranked high, but dissed on the system when they were ranked low. I believe a success of a university was never to be judge on how much prize they won, how much fantastic papers they produce or how much four flat student they had (Our public university was famous for reporting only the good stuff). But on how much the university stand by its values and specialization, or how firm the university believe that the students and lecturers was the most valuable assets, or how much effort was put to help the under-par students, and how much the students value its university after graduation. To be frank, we do not care about the rankings, I believe the industry would even care less. What we care for was how we will perform in going to do what we will do in the future. That was the essential part of education. It will be great to see how all public university in Malaysia, work together to give specialization and identity to each university. Rather then trying to be good in everything, why not be very great in just one thing. Marine and forestry for University Malaysia Sabah, technology and computer for UTM, General sciences for USM, Medical for UM and other specialization for other public university. Then collectively bring this league of university as a whole, to fully develop our own country and bring tertiary education in Malaysia, to a whole new level of greatness. This definitely need much effort from all quarters to realize and definitely even more important than rankings.
There was much fun part thou in the midst of all this frenzy. In university, every person was free to be what he/she want to be. Some were eager to learn, some were timid, some were outspoken, some were carefree and some were really, I mean REALLY hardworking ( I was not one of the hardworking bunch though). I was happily living in this environment, I enjoy working with all sorts of people, and even more, enjoy getting some friends among these people. Getting to know lecturers who are not as strict and unapproachable like I first thought. Not forgetting those programs and activities I could freely get involved in to mercilessly pour out my artistic expression. My thesis supervisor who not only thought me how to write scientifically reasoned enough, but thought me how to live. I was not particularly cared about my results. I studied what I could, focused in what I wanted to focus, and sticking to my philosophy that in university, one do not fail in order for another to succeed. Simply said, you getting A does not necessary mean that I would get a B. Results, was always at each other accord. With that, I survived a campus environment where sharing knowledge, resources and ideas was still lacking, and performed admirably in my results. Thus, I proudly said that I, enjoyed my campus life. If you are interested to know how I lived my campus life, you could take a peek here. Be sure to check it out!
And then after four wonderful years. I graduated. I had done my responsibility to my parents and to the society, to become that useful person. But had I do my responsibility to myself? To become honestly truly what I am. I would still, think back of what would it be if I had stand up for myself for what I believe was right. Be strong for myself at the moment matter the most. But that would never be. I could not alter my past, or even predict my future. But I have my present in hand, and that I will do my best to make it the best I could, willingly. For the students, go do what you believe in, what you could be happy about. For the would-be parents and parents, I would suggest to allow a certain degree of freedom for your sons and daughters to decide what they wan't to do with their lives. I believe is important for a person to decide something on its own. You may do your best to let them see all the opportunity, but ultimately, let them/us, decide.
The Malaysian educational system do have their flaws. Even though the whichever ministry believe that it was good enough. I do not want good enough, hell I do not even wan't your best. I wan't it to be BETTER THAN THE BEST. Education is something that evolve through time, something that need to be improve all the time. Not still trying to solve some age old educational issues, while being lost in the flow of forwardity. The purpose of education was still, and always will be- To Empower People. So that person would be a great human asset to him/herself, to his/her family, to the society and to the country as well as to the world.
To start, let the educational entity stand resolute, isolated for the influences of politics and the need of a certain quarters. Let that sole entity to decides the way how educational system should be run according to the purpose of empowering people and believe that everyone is special. That we can and should, with the educational system at our side, do what we believe and will be happily doing, for the rest of our life.
The above article was of my own view. NO INTEND to offend anyone. If you felt offended, grow smart and think over it!
Oh and the funny picture I said I would post. Here you go...
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Nervous dog is nervous! wakakakakkak! |
Stay tuned
Live Well People
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