Monday 2 September 2013

Petrol price increase lagi

Riding on the heat of petrol price increase, that burned every Malaysian's trust, and their pockets...

I would say that, we have a government that was a cripple.. in planning for it's people.

Explanation needed:
1) What justification that the petrol price of the lowest quality (RON 95) petrol an average Malaysian's car are able to consume, went up 10.5% overnight? Are you not able to counteract this with your newly minted 32 team of ministers?

2) With the government that should have the analytical capability to predict forward for more than 5 year (I sudah bagi muka letak 5 years). Can't you predict that this the early on? And again, try to counteract with you team of advisers? Come on lahhh, I know you guys already plan for PRU14 and 15...

3) If you were to justify it with world crude oil price increase, Malaysia kena ikut increase la. Then I ask you, did you decrease it when the world's crude oil price in a decreasing trend? I think we all know the answer for that bruther...

4) Please explain why year on you have only announce the price increase within 12 hours before the actual increase. Why not announce it during your yearly budget announcement? Now the Rakyat need to scramble for petrol till midnight. Tau lah lepas Monday blue all blur blur liao... Penat tau!

5) See that you can't plan ahead... How would I expect you to plan for one of the most complex system in this world- Education (which even the strongest nation struggling to get it right). And you've planned it to 2025?!?! come on lahhhh.... How can you expect me to trust you with our future generation well being?

Remember, Don't you later budget 2014 say want to invest 200 million in research of bio-fuel because of petrol price increase and contract it to your abang adik company ya!

Please explain ok my dear government... Helloooo? Oopsss... Sorry kacau you planning how to utilize 'Tanda Putera' as educational material for higher learning.... Sorry ya....

Live well people,

Sorry had not been updating my blog for a while...  well.. it is never late to restart again :)