Wednesday 31 August 2011

Share my mess no. 4: Of Changing the world!

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."

"The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problem."

"If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide."

Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948), instrumental in India independence.

Tips from Mahatma Gandhi on the fundamentals for changing the world.

1. Change yourself.
"You must be the change you want to see in the world."
"As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world- that is the myth of the atomic age- as in being able to remake ourselves."

2. You are in control.
"Nobody can hurt me without my permission."

3. Forgive and let it go.
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."
"An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind."

4. Without action you aren't going anywhere.
"An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching."

5. Take care of this moment.
"I do not want to foresee the future, I am concerned with taking care of the present. God has given me no control over the moment following."

6. Everyone is human.
"I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough to confess my errors and to retrace my steps."
" It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err."

7. Persist.
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

8. See the good in people and help them.
"I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won't presume to probe into the faults of others."
"Man becomes great exactly in the degree in which he works for the welfare of his fellow-men."

9. Be congruent, be authentic, be your true self.
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
"Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well."

10. Continue to grow and evolve.
"Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position."

People, If you can't change the world, you can always change your own world. Change for the good ya! We all can do it!

These tips is first read at
Full article of the Top 10 fundamentals for changing the world at

Live well people

Stay tuned

Happy Independence Raya Day Malaysia

Is been a busy two weeks for me! hahahhahah! but I am BACK!!
How is this as a kick start again! At the independence day of my beloved country, Malaysia and Hari Raya for all Muslim. Shouting...

Selamat Hari Raya!

Or perhaps lets just combined them both and become...


How cool is that!

Ok people, how well do you know independence day?

A day when Tunku came out and shout MERDEKA for seven times and liberate us from the colonial clutches of British? The day where we remove the Union Jack From the flag pole? The day That we proudly call our self a countrymen of our own country? The day true freedom are gained?

What is Independence meant for you? defines Independence as:
1. The state or quality of being independent.
2. Freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like of others.

In My humble opinion, Independence means being together.
You might think that how can two contradicting terms can be the same? We human use to think earth is flat! So shut up! hahahhahahahah!

Independence, brings us together, as Malaysian. Independence Day, to celebrate the togetherness that brought us freedom. Independence, to be together at par with fellow independent state. Don't tell me independence is not being together! Togetherness is the essence of independence.

Independence leave the door open for us to walk the path of infinite wonders. How far and how well we walk that path depends on every action of each countrymen do. Is not that you can only contribute to the country but joining the army or the police force or even join politics. We as every countrymen contribute to the country in our own way. A mother feed a child, a child who may in the future become the engineer that build the fastest moving train in Malaysia. A teen paying government tax when he eat KFC as lunch which would go to the foster home that help homeless children (provided that the money is well handled). A person who refuse to throw rubbish on the beach to help keep Malaysia clean. The family man who choose to walk and use public transport to keep Malaysia air cleaner of green house gases. The old wood sculptor who keep perfecting his work to preserve the traditional Malaysian culture. The poet who write to enhance the mind of fellow Malaysian. A fresh graduated executive working in a food company to both feed their fellow Malaysian and improve the industry in Malaysia. Everyday is independence day when everyday, we are in the mind to improve the nation. One person at a time.

There is so many ways you can do to contribute to the well being of your country. Is not about how you sacrificed for your country, but how well you live for your nation. Together collectively, we are strong, and we can make changes for good! Do not say I am wrong, we got it right on the day of 31st August 1957.

What I think about Hari Raya then? I think the video (by DiGi, which I think did a fantastic job) below explained it well. A festive to celebrate forgiveness.

That is all from me people.

Selamat MerdekaRaya!

Enjoy to the max of your holidays and enjoy being together.

Live well people

Stay tuned

Friday 19 August 2011

Share my mess no. 3: Of Courtesy

Do you sometimes stick yourself in someone bubbled bubble gum under the seat?
Do you sometimes find people parked their car in front of your house?
Do you sometimes find yourself stepping on some stranger spit? (ewwwwwwww)
Do you sometimes see rubbish being thrown at a beautiful beach?

You are frustrated, angry and sometimes even mad of these things! where this could be solved with just one word! Money!.......waittttttt, just kidding! hahahahha! the WORD is


although sometimes money do work too, when you give some money too them and tell them not to do it again....naaaahhhhhh, that won't work! hahahahah!

Courtesy! is somehow out of the window in society nowadays! or perhaps 'in the window' cause we people nowadays are always outside! hahahahh! I am not implying that people always stayed in house are courteous. You people should go out more! breathe in the fresh air, play and have fun! You know outside.....(i tend to get so easily carries away.).

Ok, C-O-U-R-T-E-S-Y!

I think it would be more effective if I told you they benefits of being courteous right. Lets divide them in gender:

For Guys:
1. You get GIRLS!
2. You get more GIRLS!

For Girls:
1. You get GUYS!
2. Good GUYS! Hunky GUYS!

note: Benefits of being courteous may differ from person to person. please do not blame the author if result comes out differently from what you have expected. Please do not sue the author. XDXD

The real benefits of being courtesy, is you be a better human! Those who still wondering how to be a better person, here is your answer smack straight to your face! hahahah! Start being COURTEOUS!! A girl always like a guy who opens door for her, take her chair out when you go for dinner, hand her your jacket when she is cold and etc. That was being gentleman! courtesy might involved a little bit of being gentleman, but it applies not only to your partner, but to everybody in this whole wide world! No matter if he/she is blood related to you, your ok-not ok friends or someone you will never know! It involving you being courteous to... EVERYONE!! And yessss include the nagging lady boss you cursed every now and then. XDXD

Courtesy involve not doing things which you like the other person not to do to you! got the drift?? no?? ok ok. You do not like rubbish being thrown to your house right? Do not damn throw rubbish on the street like it was your own backyard or something! got the drift?? no?? ok ok. You do not like people double park your car right? Don't do it to others! Unless you got a emergency or you have the COURTESY to left a contact for people to call you if they want to move their car... you might need to consider the risk that their phone are out of credit...hahahahhah.

Courtesy involve being polite. Being polite to everyone! Manners is for dealing to people older than you. Courtesy is for EVERYONE!! From baby of 3 months to a person who are 80 years old (age not mention all included, the rite scale should be 0-130 perhaps). Courtesy applies to all! Being polite take you to places you never imagined (good places of cause).

Courtesy is the basic thing being a human. Society is about living together. Unless you bought up the whole city just for yourself. Have fun being alone then! Faced it! We lived together, and courtesy is the most gluey adhesive that will make us live happily together. You would really live happier when everybody is courteous.

Courtesy is not charity. Charity is something you give and higher chances that you would not get back (definition from shiandictionary, 2011). Courtesy is something you definitely get something back, in all types of shape and feelings possibles. Trust me on this.

Courtesy is not respect. Respect is of choice. you choose to respect or not respect a particular or a group of human being/s. Respect can be earned or lost. You can do action to gain respect or lose respect. Courtesy is different. Courtesy is of need. You just need to do it! As a person, as a member of the society.

Courtesy is about, think-of-others-when-you-do-something-when-the-effects-of-your-action-do-not-only-affecting-you. And believe me, a single thing we do nowadays affects peoples in way you could not even imagining! hahahahahahah!

So people, Just be courteous to have courtesy please.

Some of you people might think, 'who the hell are you to tell me to be courteous!! You may not even be courteous your own self!'

At least I have the courtesy to tell you this! Hahahahahhahah!

Live well people

Stay tuned

Thursday 18 August 2011

Share my mess no. 2: Of ridiculous words you don't know!

Here is some few words you do not even know they existed! hahahahh!

Flibbertigibbet- a chattering or flighty, light-headed person.

Ninnyhammer- a fool or simpleton; ninny.

Interrobang- a printed punctuation mark, available only in some typefaces, designed to combine the question mark (?) and the exclamation point (!), indicating a mixture of query and interjection, as after a rhetorical question.

Zedonk- the offspring of a zebra and a donkey. XDXDXD

Ort- a scrap or morsel of food left at a meal.

Now as all good teacher will ask you to do.

Good teacher: 'Now you have learned these words. Do a sentence with them.'
Shian: 'OKKKKKKKKK teacher!'

'Is that fibbertigibbet ninnyhammer zedonk not cleaning up his orts on the table (interrobanginterrobanginterrobanginterrobanginterrobanginterrobanginterrobanginterrobang)'

Good teacher: 'Good one Shian!'
Shian: 'hahahahha, thanks teacher.....Now teacher, can you please clean your table? Pn Haliza (fictional headmistress) call us to keep clean.'


Now people, as a good student, do your own funny sentence at the comment section below. Your cooperation to make everybody laugh is immensely appreciated!! Help Help ya!! XDXD


For 7 more words like this and cool pronounce sound, check out|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/&__utmv=-&__utmk=265484431

Live well people!

Stay tuned

Wednesday 17 August 2011

My Student Card Expires!

No more Cheap tickets on movies,
No more Student price on eating,
No more filling forms saying you are a student,
No more living on loans.

Officially, My Student card expires. After 20 years of study.

My varsity 4 years had been one of the most beautiful times of my life!!

1. I have the longest hair in my life (it may be short for some people).

When I looked back! Im shock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDXD

I feel like slapping myself!!!!! XDXD

2. I have performed and choreograph my dance in many stages! small or big!

Dance, is my passion. Performing, is my rejuvenation!  I still remember my spot to practice my dance, at a platform at stadium overlooking Mt. Kinabalu, tiled up floor, always looking at the clear blue sky, and some occasional checking chicks out session on the jogging tracks below and of cause free water! Dancing had brings so many colours to my varsity life. They have bring in so many peoples which became friends! together performing, together laugh and most of all, have fun together! I would never stop dancing!

Love you people!!

We guysss rulezzzz!!!

3. I have joined a lot of dance competition! and won some!

Who said you are too busy with study and could not enter some cool competition! I did! although I lost most of it (got win a few la, give face ok!), I HAVE FUN!!!!!

We got out just after the first round! but we had FUNNNNN!!!

4. I have been the CRAZIEST guy in the whole class! (correct me if I am wrong... I think I am right! XDXD)

My class routine: Go find the most spacious seats (have a lot of space around the seats, not that I have a big ass! XDXD), sit down, take out my MP3, blast the songs, put on the table a piece of paper and pen (just for show), occasionally listen to lectures or eating when i am hungry, fall asleep, class ends and go back! Can you imagine i am the class rep for a few times??? I do not know what going through my coursemate mind selecting me! XDXD

5. I have lead many teams! In studies and non-studies activities!

You might say. 'He? Leads???? bullshit!'. leading was cooooooool ok!!! hahahahhahaha! And I did enjoy the occasional feeling of having power, but you gonna work harder you know! hahahahahha! most importantly! I had funnnnnnnn doing it!! XDXD

6. I have joined many programs!!!! (is essentials!)

Pesta here and there!! This program and that program!! It is all for self improvement!......... nahhhhhh! My aim is just to go and know more people! I enjoy doing it! and this is the best place to really do it ya!!! and again! I HAD FUNNNN!!!

Program Unit for PAP year 2008!!! we rulezz people!!

7. I served my school well!!!

Did my thing for the student body! Played hard throughout it's terms! been to several countries (just two) with it! Know even more friends with it! Make the school proud with it! I done my thing here in my beloved school of food science and nutrition!! although I suck in sciences!! hahahhahahahah!!

SSMP student body 2009/2010!! sorry for the ugly post guys!! hahahah!

Jen, Deb and Me!! student body dragon head!

The Indon friend and us!! miss you people!!

Double capture for this competition!!!

A free trip indeed!!! but need to read book one lehhhh! XDXD they read, I sleep all the time!!! sorry guys!!

8. I did Sports too!!!

Yeahhhhhhh! I did active in sports!!! both basketball and football (???? football???). hahhahahahah! football hell yeah! matter of fact! I am the top scorer for my school that year!! I scored 2 own GOAL that time for my school!! pretty damn good ehhhhh!!!! XDXD

SSMP basketball team 2011!! we rocks!!

9. I live on my own!!! (with PTPTN and FAMA foundation la) and met wonderful housemate!

House with people, only then is a home.

Crazyyyyy housemates!!!!!!

Is when you eat and pose crazily! U LIVEEEEE!!! hahahhaha!

Buddy we rulezzzz!!

10. I have traveled!!!!!!!!!

Many many many many wonderful place at Sabah!! and will travel more in this beloved state in time to come! :)

Life saver suit SUCK!!!

11. I finally know what I wanted to do with my life! (although is was a bit late, but start now or never!!)

12. Most important of all. I know alot alot alot of great FRIENDS!!!

Friends is like your oxygen! you can't live without them! I can't live without mine! They are my true convocation scroll, which I would carry through life. :)

You know who you are!!! If I need to really post them photos out....... this post might be too long!!

.....You don't see anything bout study rite?? (Is not appropriate to post my sleeping pictures out! XDXD)
Well people, everybody studies at university! That is what you need to do! Your obligation! your responsibility! To infinity and beyond! Great powers come great responsibility! and....... I go too far.....
hahhahahahahah! The end game is, as a student, you study! nuff said! nothing interesting to said more!

But what you do besides that, defined your varsity life. I did enjoyed mine without REGRETS! and with A HELLLLLL LOADSSSS OF FUNNNNNNN!!!

For those still at varsity, GO OUT!! HAVE FUN!! join something you never join before! do something crazy! bake muffin for crying out loud (you think is funny! I did that!)! Do what you wanna do! life are meant to be enjoy! and varsity life, is the best time to do that!! GOOOOOOOOOO!!!

For those student card expired the same time like me!!! your life is ahead of you! start living the way you want to live! is you life anyway!! enjoyyyy every step of the way!!! yayyyyy!!

Officially, again, my student card expires!!
Student life, what you gave me, is all in me!

Live well people!

Stay tuned
Happy and contemplated.

I ROCK cuz I WALKED! (part two)

Part two! for part one check out

Ok ok ok! down from the short cut! That disastrous shortcut (cause landslide rip it's handle of the ground, making every step so 'Kan Cheong' (Nervous in Hokkien)! hahahhahaha! Well, we safely reached down to Australian place. Next stop! Padang Merdeka! Well, it was just a piece of green field with one side with stands, and they even need permission from DBKK to even step into the grass of that field. Guess Padang Merdeka (Independence field) does not comes with freedom. hahahahahaha! I guess they only save it for some so called 'BIG' event! What is bigger than we as a citizen of our nation to be able to walk freely in public places, including the field. hahahahha! I think our people mentality still are not good enough to use the field with maturity (not throwing rubbish and no vandalism). hahahhaha!

The shortcut from Signal Hill to Australian place! good find ehh!

Guess what we stumble upon! Car seat made out of cardboards!!

No only in New York Times Square, KK got it also!

After padang merdeka is just straight walking! We spontaneously plan to walk towards the KK big roundabout (near Cathay cinema and GSC) and then walk around area span from Kampung Air to Jesselton point. Beside us are all inter-town taxis parked along the road. For people who loves attention! this is the best place to be in KK! With every taxi driver attention on you! Calling you 'ah chai' (how sabah people call chinese boy like me) or 'ah moi' (for the girls), 'mau taxi??'. hahahhaha! You'll feel like a star! That is just before you step into their car, listen to that broken engine starting off, and the air-conditioner not working, you will curse yourself to dust! hahahahah! Anyway, our legs are our transportation that day, hell with you taxis! along that road, we stumble upon something cool (not 'nice' cool, but 'dirty' cool!). You remember those Hong Kong TVB drama, where they always have the alley between tall housing flats which are flithy, dirty and dark? Here we have it, KK style! Stench of rubbish brace through the alley, with cloths hanged out from their semi sturdy old balcony, and of cause, them Astro disc, make up the KK TVB scene! After admiring how this scene can be used by Astro in anyway for their Malaysia-ala- Hong Kong drama to work in budget, we move on. Do you people from KK knows there is a Old Mosque (Masjid Lama KK) near this area? Most of you do not know right. It is not the big one near the museum, this is one small one, almost house-like, sit majestically up a small hill in yellow. Another reason for you to walk! hahahaha!

Hong Kong in KK!!!! XDXD

Another hidden significant of KK, Masjid Lama.

After that, is just explore and explore around the area of Shangri-la hotel KK. Sometimes, it just need some looking into to find something special which would surprise you ya! Here is what we are doing. Just Strolling from there to Centre Point (CP), cutting across Kampung Air. We should come at night to Kampung Air, there should be some really night time INTERESTING activities which the place are famous for. hehehehhehehe! Cause the KK ramadan bazaar is here!! YAYYY!! What is more interesting than food? ahahhahahaha! we then stop by CP for some isotonics and rest we desperately need! After the good rest, we head to Waterfront for some afternoon photo shoot, cause I everytime come at night, thank god I always do, cause afternoon Waterfront is EMPTY and HOT!! hahaahaaa! To cool us down, we head to the Pasar buah-buahan near Filipino market for some cooling fresh young coconut drink! I highly recommend the stall of a guy wearing a hat, do not worry, there is only one guy with a hat. He chose one of the best coconut I ever drank! Sweet, less sour, and downright refreshing!! hahahha! After a short stroll around Pusat Kraftangan (Handicraft centre), we head to Sinsuran, the textile center of KK! Here they sell all kinds of textile, cloths and shoe with the cheapest price! You know the best thing to look at when you stroll in a city? Is the PEOPLE. The people are the best to look at (not the looking chick 'look' kay!), their expression, their life and their culture, at it's most true.

BUDAK!!! turun!!!!!!!!
We then walk across the main street to some area we failed to find it's name. It houses some really antique shops and a really really really big bundle sale bazaar! where some shirts only cost you RM6!!!! Come here if you need some cheap clothing, if you do not mind that they have been worn before. hahahhahaha! The place is near the KK court complex and DBKK. After passing through the KK city park and reminiscing about my freshman year bus taking days. Walking through the street between Bank Negara and KK post office, we head back to waterfront. I always wanna take picture of them stone fishy! hahahhahahahah! Then we head for lunch at English Tea Garden restaurant. The food was so-so, but the tea was like drinking non alcoholic alcohol....errrrrr.... I don't think that is a good description ehh! hahahhah! Nevertheless, It was really niceee, try the strawberry one ya! hahahahahha

Bundle galore!!

Stone fishy that I mean. XDXD

Strawberry TEAAAAAAAA!!!

Well, The plan is, to head back to Kingfisher using bus services. We thus head to the nearest bus stop, which is in front of the Sabah port building. Guess we got it wrong, cause we been waiting for 30mins and no bus! when there is a bus, it say it would only U-turn back to town to the main bus stop!! Guess we really got it all wrong waiting bus here! We are exhausted, thus we got into the bus, with the plan to go back town to take the right bus back. The bus then slowly move along the coast line, and reach the roundabout about 1.5 km away from the floating mosque. HELL with it, I ain't going back to main bus stop and waste my bloody time again! I stop here, and walk towards the mosque and catch the right bus back (cause the bus route was changed, lazy to explain this)! We thank the bus driver for his short but useful story regarding a man got rob of RM700 just after getting his salary and pay him, we got off the bus! Crossed the road and off we walking again! Under the damn hot sun! Guess if you ain't spontaneous enough, do not follow me for a trip! You gotta be as crazy as me ya (and yes I am praising you Panda Chan!)! hahahahhah! Upon reaching the mosque.....HELL we are already half way through! Lets walk the whole way back! 'We would be Legends!', that's what I told Chan.... guess he will be damn mad at me when his skin start peeling off painfully after his skin burns. hahahahahhhahahah! It was all fun! looking at the different view, while taking the same path! Things are meant to be appreciated at all angles ehh! hahhahahaha!! We got to KF at about 4pm, zombie like, we head to Giant store for some isotonic again! 100 plus never tasted this GOOOOOOD!!!

Guess that is all for my this walking trip! Am looking forward for some more ya! I heard New Zealand have one 'Longest walk' trip which take you across 3000 miles of path and roads!! Perhaps after some well training and stamina then, I will hit that for sure!! Walking, has been so much FUNNNNN!! Guess I can only tell you my experience, you gonna go feel it, try it and experience it yourself ehh! Like what Johnny Walker tells you, 'Keep Walking'. XDXD

Mr Panda Chan! you the MAN!!

and like what Will Smith said ' I AM LEGEND!' XDXD

Legend, is of choices! And I choose to WALK!

again.. I ROCK cuz I WALKED! XDXD

Live well people!

Stay tuned!

I ROCK cuz I WALKED! (part one)

Well People! Talk about being environmental friendly plus some self-torturing! Let get crazy and lets go GREEN (literally green, you will know when you see them photos)!

Is been on my mind since I am going to come back to the beautiful Sabah to finish up my thesis. To walk from where I stay (Kingfisher) to Gaya Street, Kota Kinabalu! Yessss!! WALK!! For you people who do not know, the distance between 2 point was 8.4km (Google Maps). It was a long walk indeed! To make comfortable of the walk, you gonna wake up real early to beat the scorching sun. Not waking up early has been the sole reason that I am not able to do it earlier! hahahhaha. By the way, I manage to do it this time!

The walk started with some early 'tapau' breakfast. believe me, you'll need it! Me and one of my friend (Panda Chan! U rocksss!) started walking around 6.15am. It was enjoyable, to be able to breathe in the morning air, to kiss the morning sea breeze, and let the rising sun slowly warmed you up.

Making our step along crescent coast line of Likas bay. We came across alot of things we never came to notice before, although it had been 4 years being in this beloved land below the wind. Tagging with us are rows and rows of lush green trees, providing us  protection against the rising sun. A place with blends of aroma, the sea, the morning and the trees, spelled the word, natural, at it's purest.

We walk along the coast and we came to notice cars parked to the side of the road, all heading to our direction! Perhaps they wanna ask us if we are insane to walk to KK! hahahahahha!! No no no, they were heading to meet some fish merchant parked at the coast offering the freshest catch of the morning. One thing you really do not see often, people regardless of race gather at a place to just want to get some decent meal (here, fishes) with no regard on food safety in any way! Im a food student, can't blame me for being sensitive. hahahahhahahah!

People, fish, boat, sea and of cause, rubbish!

When you see the floating mosque, you'll know you are half way through! yayyyyyyy!! looooooong way to go still... hahahhaha! Walking, is a very very very healthy thing to do which are not much practiced in people lives nowadays. People will be like zooming in their petrol consuming, air polluting, and overpriced vehicle! I said this because there is just many cars zoom pass us when we walk. I bet there will be some kid within the car, saying ' Ma! look at that two dumb guys! WALKINGGGGG!!! HAHAHAHAH'. Hey kid, you the DUMB! hahahhahahahahhaha! Kidsss nowadays..... I'll throw my kid to walk to school everyday! oooooo he/she will hate me so... XDXD

Likas Lagoon! a Heaven for bagau!

Sabah port! Maaaa! i reached KK already!
Once we reached KK, it was.... QUITE! You can't blame it, it was a sunday morning where people are still lazy-ing inside their blanket! hahahahahha!! Once we reach KK, we hit Gaya street! A weekly (every Sunday) morning market selling from local handicraft to pet dogs! One of the hippest tourist spot in KK. Where you can see tourists holding up camera all the time. wait.... im holding one too.....XDXD Well people, Gaya street, I can only say, it is a place specially made up for tourist, which mostly sell local merchandises. You wanna real morning market feel? Try go to Tamu! Tamu is the morning market which operates sometimes 3 times a week, some just once a week in various town across sabah. The nearest one is Dogonggong, Tuaran and Putatan. These Tamu usually start operating at 4am and a must visit! They sells a variety of local fruits and food, real Sabah style baa. hahahhaha!
We stop by Jesselton point on the way to Gaya street!

And of cause the KK graffiti spot! sadly it was sabotaged! damnnnnn you vandalism!

Like I say, from hadicraft... pets. XDXD

The walking has take it's toll on our legs and our energy levels! believe me k! Im not turning weak because of long term no-sport day!..... perhaps that was the reason... damnnnn. Im getting old.... hahahah! After one round around the tourist infested Gaya street, we head to Fook Yuen coffee shop for our breakfast. They make one of the most fluffy white bread! But not necessary the tastiest, they should really add a little bit more of salt! hahhahahah! Just my opinion okay! hahahha! But their Milo rockssss all the time! And at last I know why! Is because they put almost half glass of Milo powder to make a glass of Milo drink! No wonder la! hahahahhahaha! After some dim sum and some bread, and some adequate well earned rest. We head to out next stop, Australian Place (the area near KK traffic police HQ). It had been the number one place I wanted to visit in this trip. It may mean nothing to alot of people with just two rows of shop houses guarding a street. But the satisfaction you get when you finally got to a place where you wanted to go a long time ago, beats all the boredom. The beauty of Australian place was slowly exposed strolling down it's streets, from wisma Jubli to the KK traffic police HQ. The old building with it's chipped paint and iron bar of yesteryear as well as the scent of nostalgia, giving you picture of how busy this place used to be. A small piece of old Australia, in KK.
Fluff up bread! 

back of the shop houses in Australian place

Me with the plague declaring Australian place near Musuem Kopitiam, KK.
As we reach the last stretch of the street, we stumble upon something cool! A clock tower! You may say that, 'chehhh, just a clock tower!'. Hahahahah! The element of surprise stumbling this brings joy! This clock tower has a name: Atkinson clock tower. Atkinson, is about 2 and a half story tall, shrouded in white and stripped in black, one of the place of interest in KK heritage walk. From the police station, you need to climb up steps up a hill to reach the fenced clock tower. We stand in front of it, appreciate the surprises it offers, for him be one of the KK significant hidden so well, and I felt glad, that we got to it. I then came up with a crazy idea, lets head to Signal Hill observatory tower! one place where you can have a birds eye view on KK. I bet that there is a way leading up the hill from the clock tower (me having the exploring heart). And off we go as explorer! While just meters away from the clock tower, it RANGS!! It really rangs!! for 10 times (cause is 10am... duhhh)! believe me, it was one of the sweetest sound that fills my heart with contemplation and a sense of fulfilling.

The Atkinson tower, rings of sweetness

As an explorer, is a must to explore every roads! Even though some of them looks really creepy, just like the one we did explored. We thought it was a shortcut! hahahhahaha! It was a stretch of staircase, which had higher steps then normal one do, and makes climbing them even harder. The path was surrounded by big bushes and tall trees where sunlight hardly penetrate through. We even need to overcome some fallen trees hurdle, the real 'Jungle in the city!'. hahahahhahah! When we reach the end of the path, we saw one unknown building. I thought to myself, this all look so wrong, Im definitely we got to the wrong path. Perhaps the path one the left will lead us up! I was so dead wrong after we walk on it! hahahahahha! We reach some old wooden creepy house which looked like a kidnapper den! hahahahhaha! I won't want to be kidnap! Turning back is the wise option! After coming down the staircase, we head to the road leads up the observatory. The right way this time!
Jungle in the city!!

So called kidnapper den (dub by me!)!! 

Signal hill observatory! Another place I wanted to visit long time ago, and I should. The sunset here should be really magnificent! Anyway I got here, by walking! hahahhahaha! I sat down, enjoyed the view, cursed Suria Sabah for blocking the sea view, and rest! Them tired legs deserve one big rest!! This is one view I would not forget, the KK I love. Plussss some funny laugh when we saw some MV shooting of a local artist (I think)! The funny thing is that when he sings, there is another guy playing the radio for the music for him to lip sync! damn funny and damn low budget! hahahahhahaha! It was all fun! By the way, we found the real short cut towards Signal hill, which would lead you down to Australian place....XDXD! Good explore indeed!

Well people! Thats it for Part one!

Stay tuned for part two ya!